While significant advances have been made in direct dating French and Spanish rock art, direct dates obtained by AMS for the New World are extremely scarce and existing stylistic hronologies cannot be trusted. These papers from the International Rock Art Congress held in Bolivia in 1997 focus in the dating problem. They also reflect discussion of the earliest art in the light of recent research and as seen from a world palaeo-art perspective.
A universal standard for reporting the ages of petroglyphs and rock paintings (A. Watchman)
New World
Early rock art of mid-continental North America (J. Steinbring)
The earliest petroglyph traditions on the north American plains (A. Tratebas)
Dating rock art in Brazil (A. Prous)
Dating the rock art at Monte Alegre, Brazil (A. Roosevelt)
The chronology and evolution of the prehistoric rock paintings in the Sierra da Capivara National Park, Brazil (M. C. M. Lage)
Dating of the Prehistoric Paintings in the Serra da Capivara National Park, Piaui, Brazil (Maria Conceicao Meneses Lage)
Argentina's oldest rock art (J. Schobinger)
Pigment analysis and absolute dating of rock paintings from Jujuy, Argentina (M. I. H. Ilosas, A. Watchman, J. Southon)
Old World
Face to face with the earliest 'art object' (Paul Bahn)
The earliest rock art of Uzbekistan in its central Asian context (A. Rozwadowski & M. Huzanazarov)
Chronostylistic elements for the dating of the open-air rock art assemblage of Domingo García, Spain (S. R. López)