Courtney Nimura is a researcher at the Institute of Archaeology and a Junior Research Fellow at Wolfson College, University of Oxford where she works on projects relating to prehistoric art. She has published on a wide variety of subjects that revolve around her main research interests including rock art, European Bronze and Iron Age art, and coastal and intertidal archaeology. She has served on the board of the Nautical Archaeology Society since 2009, during which time she has been involved in coastal and intertidal archaeology education and training and has worked on a variwety of public archaeology projects.
Rebecca O’Sullivan is a Research Fellow at the University of Bonn. She completed her DPhil at the University of Oxford in 2018. Her research explores the rock art and archaeology of Bronze and Iron Age eastern Eurasia, with a focus on interactions between China, Korea, and Japan.
Richard Bradley is Emeritus Professor of Archaeology at Reading University and an Honorary Research Associate in the School of Archaeology at Oxford. Recent publications include: Maritime Archaeology on Dry Land (2022), Temporary Palaces (2021), A Comparative Study of Rock Art in Later Prehistoric Europe (2020), The Prehistory of Britain and Europe (revised edition 2019), and A Geography of Offerings (2016).