Modern borders of all kinds, political, geographical and social, effect the kinds of prehistoric narratives archaeologists can write. Borders that dominate today did not exist in prehistory. This volume works across such borders and focuses specifically on the region between the Rivers Forth and Tyne, an area divided by the modern political border between Scotland and England. The introduction and opening chapters consider the impact of the Anglo-Scots and similar borders on our understanding of prehistoric patterns of activity. The introduction also asks whether, when, and to what extent this could be considered a coherent region in the prehistoric past. Further chapters explore the history of research in the region, including field survey and aerial photography. Another nine chapters discuss the results of recent research, including new and older excavations, or conduct regional analyses of artefacts and mortuary practices, starting with the Late Upper Palaeolithic and continuing with studies from the Early Neolithic through to the Late Iron Age. Taken as a whole, the publication suggests that while there was no coherent Tyne-Forth region in prehistory, except for perhaps in the Late Iron Age, research at this regional scale provides a strong basis for appreciating past cultural interaction at a variety of scales.
Chapter 1: Prehistory without borders: an introduction
Rachel Crellin, Chris Fowler and Richard Tipping
Chapter 2: Modern borders and the prehistory of northwest Europe
Colin Haselgrove, Marc Vander Linden and Leo Webley
Chapter 3: Archaeological co-operations across borders in the ""Europe of the regions"": taking a closer look at four examples from Basle and Lake Constance
Sophie Hüglin
Chapter 4: Surveys and surveyors lurking in the shadows of our past.
Stratford Halliday
Chapter 5: Creating the cropmark record of southeast Scotland
Dave Cowley
Chapter 6: The landscape context of Scotland’s first open-air Late Upper Palaeolithic archaeological site
Richard Tipping, Lucy Verrill, Matthew Bradley, Rupert Housley, and Alan Saville
Chapter 7: Fragmenting society: Pottery biographies from Neolithic Northumberland
Ben Edwards
Chapter 8: Breaking boundaries past and present: Neolithic and Early Bronze pottery in the Tyne–Forth region
Dana Millson
Chapter 9: Early Bronze Age mortuary practices in north-east England and south-east Scotland: using relational typologies to trace social networks
Chris Fowler and Neil Wilkin
Chapter 10: The view from above: prehistoric activity at Soutra Hill
Bob Will
Chapter 11: Funerary fragments between the rivers: analysing the evidence for the
dead in the Tyne–Forth region during the Late Bronze Age (c. 1150–800 BC)
Katherine Warden, Edward Caswell and Ben Roberts
Chapter 12: Yetholm revisited: old and new finds of high-quality Late Bronze Age metalwork
Trevor Cowie, Brendan O’Connor and Marion Uckelmann
Chapter 13: Bronze Age settlement: some considerations in the light of recent results
Clive Waddington & Dave Passmore
Chapter 14: Catastrophism, climate change, Colin Burgess and The Cheviot
Richard Tipping
Chapter 15: The Needles Eye Enclosure, Berwick-upon-Tweed: Evidence for salt manufacture in the Late Iron Age
Jennifer Proctor
Chapter 16: Querns in Northumberland
Dave Heslop
Chapter 17: Later prehistoric settlement from the Tees to the Forth: the timing of transformation and the tempo of renewal
Derek Hamilton